NS stands for ‘name server’ and this record indicates which DNS server is authoritative for that domain (which server contains the actual DNS records). A domain will often have multiple NS records which can indicate primary and backup name servers for that domain
A record的作用是把ip address和域名相连(Domain name to ip address)
CNAME Canonical name
与A record不同的是CNAME是把域名和域名相连(Domain name to domain name),因为比如我们相用Google的邮件服务,所以我们想把yuan@unicard.com,关联到yuan@google.com,然后Google用他们呢的DNS server去把他转换成ip address,我们就不用担心Google改变他的ip address了。 再比如说,如果Dell公司的客户服务是外包出去的,那么我们访问Dell的网站,在通过Dell官网进入到他们的客户服务网站,我们就会发现我们从Dell.com 到了customerService.com,这样可能不太好,Dell想让他的网站看起来是一个整体,所以就可以用CNAME让customerService.com的名字隐藏起来,只显示成support.dell.com
Web host companies host multiple websites with one ip address, they share one ip address. Server response with different content based on the headers in the request
If the hosting server is using Php v4.3, you have to use the same. If the hosting server is down, all websites related to this server is also down.
VPS(Virtual Private Server)
VMware, Parallels, Virtual Box
Install multiple instances of Windows or Linux or MacOS on the server, and you can control the software and tools on that VPS
SSH: Connecting to a remote server and execute commands on it. SFTP: Transfer files to a remote server.
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telnet www.google.com 80
GET / HTTP/1.1
(press enter twice)
If your webiste is hosted by a server that are shared with other website, you have to send a get request with a host header specify your domain name. Otherwise the server don’t know what content to return.
this is a local ip address <-> domain name mapping table, browser will check this file first before sending any request
Chapter 1: PHP
Configuration file for Apache web server: httpd.conf, apache.conf, apache2.conf
listen to port 80 of any ip addresses of incoming requests
ServerName and ServerAlias: the destination of the incoming requests, both will need an A record in DNS to work (or CNAME)
CustomLog, ErrorLog: Specify where to save the log files
DocumentRoot: Root path of your website
port 443 uses SSL(Secure socket layer), needs a certificate to be installed on the server.
SSL: there are two keys, public key and private key, when a user visits our website, the website sends the public key to the user’s machine, user uses it to encrypt the message. Then when our website receives the message from the user, we use the private to decrypt it to get the original message. But this is not enough, we need to ask some Certificate Authorization(CA) for a certificate. This is because user doesn’t trust our website. but because our website is trusted by a CA, so the user can trust our website. Certificate needs to be digitally signed.
SSLCertificateKeyFile: the private key on the server
HTTP_HOST is an environment variable, it is the host name. In English, the first line is a condition, it is saying if the host name is not starting with www.cs75.net(Regex), do the following line, [NC], no case, case insensetive
(.*) one or more any characters, it remembers what user was typing, redirect user to the correct URL, 301 move permanently, the browser saves the result and next time will redirect you automatically. whereas 302 is move temporarily.
The reason to do this is to make sure the URL in user’s browser is the website URL. Because there are multiple ways to visit the website and not typing the website URl. We could use ip address, we could use ‘udo vi /etc/hosts’(see end of lecture 0). So this will make sure that the URL will always be www.cs75.net no matter what user originally typed.
Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl
We can set up our dynamic website without using remote virtual server, people from outside world cannot visit it. But it is good for development purposes
GET: will change the state of the url, add parameters behind the quesiont mark ‘?’, parameters are separated by &, everything will be shown in URL, not good to send sensitive or huge information
POST: can upload files(images), it is not in URL, can send sensitive information. Post request cannot be copied. One of the downsides of POST is that when user click reload or backbutton, browser will try to submit the form again, you may end up buying things twice. One of the solutions would be, whenever user submitted a form, immediately redirect user to another website page with only GET request, so they cannot revisit the POST request page anymore.
Very well documented. Interpreted(alternative to compiled) language, you don’t need to compile it first then to run it, you can just give your code to a interpreter and it will run. Downside is performance. Once a C++ language be compiled, the complied code can be run by CPU superfast. whereas PHP needs to be interpreted everytime.
Web servers usually have root user(administrator) and other users. If you are user A, and you want the web server to be able to use your PHP code. You have to set them to be readable. Then another user B would be able to see your PHP code. Use suPHP could solve this issue. It makes sure that web server can only execute A’s code when A’s logged in. And B cannot see it when B’s logged in. And A can only delete A’s file, so no one else could modify or break A’s code. If A’s website’s users upload files or images, they are stored in the server where only A can see.
Data Types(loose in PHP), PHP functions will return different data types based on situations
$_COOKIE, key values from browser
$_ENV, lower details of user’s machine
$_GET, hash table
$_POST, array
$_REQUEST, details from requests
$_SERVER, user agent, browser and OS
$_SESSION, states, save values
Command line
mkdir, make directory
cd, change directory
cat/more, show content of a file
ls, list content of a directory
. current folder
… parent folder
ls -al, list permission settings for all files in current directory
chmod, change mode of a file or directory: e.g. chmod a+r filename: give read access to a file called filename
permission settings looks like this: -rw-rw-r–, the first - means it is a file or it can be ‘d’ for directory, it can then be split into three groups, they are the owner, the group and the world.
Use $_GET[‘username’] to get the variable values user send by GET request.
Use htmlspecialchars to escape all html tags to sanity check user inputs
Chapter 2: PHP Continued
PHP is an interpreted language, it can be run at anywhere no matter what the PC is like. Compiled language depends on the PC, it may run at one PC and may not run at another.
POST request
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<pre> <?php print_r($_POST) ?> </pre>
use print_r to recursivly display all data inside the POST request
check if necessary form information is filled(not empty). If not, redirect user back to the previous form page. header(“Location: URL”) is to redirect user
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<? if (empty($_POST['fname']) || empty($_POST['lname'])): ?> You must provide your full name and gender to continue. Go <a href="index.html">back</a> <? else: ?> You are registered! <pre><? print_r($_POST) ?></pre> <? endif ?>
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<? if (empty($_POST['fname']) || empty($_POST['lname'])) { ?> You must provide your full name and gender to continue. Go <a href="index.html">back</a> <? } else { ?> You are registered! <pre><? print_r($_POST) ?></pre> <? } ?>
if else conditions in PHP supports both colon and curly brackets
Dot symbol is a concatenation symbol, connect two strings into one
This mail function comes with PHP doesn’t uaually work on local network, because ISP blocks outbound port 25 for SMTP. Same reason as they block port 80.
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<? if (isset($_POST['action'])) { if (empty($_POST['fname']) || empty($_POST['lname'])) { $error = true; } } ?>
<? if ($error): ?> <div style="color: red">You must fill out the form!</div> <? endif ?>
To be able to check form errors using PHP code, index.html has to be changed to index.php
in index.php, setup a variable named ‘action’(other names work too) and send it to the backend, the server code will know if user submit a form by checking by variable.
if form has errors, send user back to itself with errors.
// 3 if (isset($_POST["user"]) && isset($_POST["pass"])) { if ($_POST["user"] == USER && $_POST["pass"] == PASS) { $_SESSION["authenticated"] = true;
// 4 save user in cookie for a week setcookie("user", $_POST["user"], time() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60); // redirect user to home page, using absolute path. redirect("home.php"); } }
// 5 function redirect($file) { $host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; $path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]), "/\\"); // current php directory, trim out unwanted leading slashes header("Location: http://$host$path/$file"); exit; } ?>
this will enable session, must be at the top of your code. Make sure no whitespaces or any code in front of this.
Define constants
check user form data are exist and valid
Session will be saved on the web server on the disk with a unique session id. Cookie will saved on the client machine. Everytime user visit the website, it will show us the cookies, web server will quickly open up the file saved with the same session id, and grab all the values(key-value pairs) to our webpage. Webpage also can access to the user Cookies.
define functions in PHP
Note: make sure to give web server user the write permission to the session folder. Otherwise it cannot write session variables to the file. Also, make sure to use session_start(); in home.php as well. So it can have access to the session variables after redirecting. Any sensitive information should not be stored in the Cookies.
Note: make sure to give web server user the write permission to the session folder. Otherwise it cannot write session variables to the file. Also, make sure to use session_start(); in home.php as well. So it can have access to the session variables after redirecting.
Chapter 3: MVC XML
Change permission to write and read directory or files:
Read: r = 4
Write: w = 2
Execute: x = 1
adds them up to get the mode code.
e.g. sudo chmod 644 filename means: give the file the permission level: -rw-r–r--
sudo chmod 700 filename: give the file the permission level -rwx------
commonly used mode of files:
644: can be read and write by the file owner, also can be read by other group of users and the whole world.
600: can be read and write by the file owner only.
html 644
gif 644
jpg 644
css 644
js 644
png 644
php 600
For directory: Read means user can list all content inside a directory(same as the ls command in terminal). Execute means user can go into this directory(same as the cd command).
Common permission level for directory:
dir 711: user can go into this directory, can read/write all its files. Other groups or outside world can only go into this directory. If they know the exact filename in this directory and has read permission to that particular file. They can read it. But they can’t list all filenames of that directory.
dir 755: user can go into this directory, can read/write all its files, Other groups or outside world can go inside and list all files.
Use different hostname with only one web server. Change the hosts table file to give your domain a different name locally instead of localhost. sudo vi /etc/hosts
Use RewriteModule to manipulate the URL, route user to correct places with cleaner URLs
XML is an extensible markup language where you can extend structure without breaking existing data and applications.
Adding more children to an element is 100% fine.
Config files can be XML, you can add more KEYs and variables to the config files later.
Escape entities(pre-defined keywords) in XML: &amp; &lt; &gt; &apos; &quot;
Declare your own entity: <!ENTITY nbsp "&#160;">
SimpleXML API: See XML in a Tree Structure
DOM(Document Object Model)
In PHP, we can use SimpleXML API to read an XML file and load its contents.
Select XML node from PHP using xpath: If you only want to display certain lecture, for example, lecture 3, you could add additional condition in xpath $dom->xpath("/lectures/lecture[@number='3']")
@ is short for attributes, we can expend it as ‘attributes::’
We can also start at any given node and go to its parent, chlid or siblings by define the axis in the path(below is just an example and will not work): $dom->xpath("/parent::lectures/child::lecture[attributes::number='3']")
Chapter 4: SQL
CSV(comma separated values)
PSV(Pipe separated values) pipe is the vertical line in the keyboard |
TSV(Tab separated values)
fgetcsv: load csv file content into an array of arrays
fputcsv: write content to a csv file
XML: SimpleXML
MySQL: database
SQLite: Allow you to use SQL without an actual Database, it is just a file stored in your disk.
// connect to databsae if (($connection = mysqli_connect("localhost", "yuan", "123", "yuan_lecture")) === false) die("Could not connect to database");
// if username and password were submitted, check them if (isset($_POST["user"]) && isset($_POST["pass"])) { // prepare SQL $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='%s'", mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_POST["user"]));
// execute query $result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql); if ($result === false) die("Could not query database");
// check whether we found a row if (mysqli_num_rows($connection, $result) == 1) { // fetch row $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($connection, $result);
// check password if ($row["password"] == $_POST["pass"]) { // remember that user's logged in $_SESSION["authenticated"] = true;
// redirect user to home page, using absolute path. redirect("home.php"); } } }
function redirect($file) { $host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; $path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]), "/\\"); // current php directory, trim out unwanted leading slashes header("Location: http://$host$path/$file"); exit; } ?<
in mysql_connect(), the first variable is the DB server, second is username of the DB, thrid is the password of the DB
mysql_real_escape_string is preventing SQL injection attack.
$result is a temporary table get from DB
mysql_num_rows return number of rows in the temp table
mysql_fetch_assoc return an associated array with keys and values from the temp table
One way hash password
It is not good to store password in the DB in plain text. So we should use a hash function to hash the password into some random characters, whenever user logs in, we use the same algorithm to hash the password and check if it equals to the same random characters in the DB.
SQL indexes, Constraints
INDEX: doing a binary search or some other tree structure to a column, so it will be much faster to run a query. Cost more disk space. The below image shows that this table has two indexes, and it is using BTREE structure to store all values.
BLOB (Binary Large Object) -> etc. Images
Although you can store images into DB, it cost space, it would be better to store it in a folder(file system), and store the link to this file into the DB.
Foriegn Key: is a primary key in another table
Chapter 5: SQL Continued
CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) model
VARCHAR will save more space than using CHAR, because it uses different length of chars for each value.
CHAR will use same length of chars for all values, but it will run query faster, because it knows the length of values, it can move to next value by adding the length to the current position. (For VARCHAR it has to keep searching until reach to the end of the value.)
AI (Auto Increment) Good for IDs, plus one each time. When you delete the ID, the ID number will NOT be reused.
Float numbers: 32-bit or 64-bit numbers are finite. If we are using it to represents real numbers(infinite), SQL will round the number to its closest number that it can find. e.g. if you enter 1.9, it might give you 1.89999999 instead. So it is not good to use Float to represent Money etc… important values
MySQL Functions
PDO(Portable Data Object)
Assign variables to values, so when you change database next time, you don’t have to change the code. You just need to change the variables of PDO arguments.
Join tables together. Get data from multiple tables at once.
In the above example, we could further create another table that has Product_Id and Product_Name, and use only Product_Id in the orders table.
Only the person that have sold products are displayed.
1 2 3
SELECT Employees.Name, Orders.Product FROM Employees JOIN Orders ON Employees.Employee_ID = Orders.Employee_ID
This is another syntax to use to join tables. This is the same as the other SQL syntax shown above.
Left Join, Right Join
Their are differnt type of joins, they decides which table should carry more weight in this query. For example, in the Employees table, if someone has left the company and is no longer exist in the Employees table. But his sell history is still in the orders table. We want to keep the sell history. Then we could use a Right Join, it will display all sell history related. But will show NULL in the Employee_ID(because there is no corresponding Employee_ID in the Employees table).
Race Conditions(Atomicity)
In computer programming, an operation done by a computer is considered atomic if it is guaranteed to be isolated from other operations that may be happening at the same time. Put another way, atomic operations are indivisible.
This will help you to merge SELECT and UPDATE into one query. Potentially solve the race conditions issue(NOT enough though).
Transactions means do the following queries atomically, do not allow any other queries perform in the meantime.
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In the example above, we transfer 1000 balance from account 1 to account 2 at the same time.
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In the example above, if we find something wrong happened after we perform the transaction, ROLLBACK will undo all the changes in the transaction.
Locks (MyISAM)
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LOCK TABLES account WRITE; SELECT balance FROM account WHERE number = 2; UPDATE account SET balance = 1500 WHERE number = 2; UNLOCK TABLES;
‘LOCK TABLES account WRITE;’’ will lock the table ‘account’, prevening people from WRITING to the table.
One downside is that LOCK will lock the entire table, so no one can write to the table even if they are updating other accounts.
Add Foreign key constraints so that the DB knows the primary key in one table is related to another foreign key in another table.
ON DELETE RESTRICT and ON UPDATE RESTRICT means if we want to delete something that is actually a primary key in a table, DB will reject it because it is related to another tables. If we changed it to CASCADE, then if we delete a record that is a primary key, DB will delete all records that are related to this primary key in other tables too.
Chapter 6: JavaScript
Javacript, like PHP, is also an interpreted language. Node.js is a server side js language.
Global objects
1 2 3
var array = []; array[0] = 'abc'; array.push('abc');
Array doesn’t have a fixed length, you can use index or ‘push’ method to add elements.
Put cursor in form field that is empty.
Document is a super global object. It is a DOM(document object model)
<html> <head> <script> function validate(f) { if (f.email.value == "") { alert("You must provide an email adddress."); return false; } else if (f.password1.value == "") { alert("You must provide a password."); return false; } else if (f.password1.value != f.password2.value) { alert("You must provide the same password twice."); return false; } else if (!f.agreement.checked) { alert("You must agree to our terms and conditions."); return false; } return true; } </script> <title></title> </head> <body> <form action="process.php" method="get" name="registration" onsubmit="return validate(this);"> Email: <input name="email" type="text"> <br> Password: <input name="password1" type="password"> <br> Password (again): <input name="password2" type="password"> <br> I agree to the terms and conditions: <input name="agreement" type="checkbox"> <br><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> </body> </html>
check the form fields values at client side using Javascript. validate(this), is passing ‘document.forms.registration’ to the function.
Both client side and server side form validation and necessary. User’s can change js using tools like inspector console and bypass the client side validation.
Regular Expressions
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var obj = {}; obj.key = value; obj['key'] = value; var obj = {key: value};
<html> <head> <script> function blinker() { var blinks = document.getElementsByTagName("blink"); for (var i = 0; i < blinks.length; i++) { if (blinks[i].style.visibility == "hidden") blinks[i].style.visibility = "visible"; else blinks[i].style.visibility = "hidden"; } } window.setInterval(blinker, 500); </script> <title></title> </head> <body> <center> <blink><h1>hello, world</h1></blink> </center> </body> </html>
Notice in the code above, when we call the blinker function in window.setInterval(blinker, 500), we are not adding () at the end of the function name. This is because we are passing a reference of that function(blinker) to it. If we use window.setInterval(blinker(), 500), we are passing the return result of blinker function to it, which will not work because blinker function doesn’t return anything.
function handler() { // only handle requests in "loaded" state if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { // get XML var xml = xhr.responseXML;
// update price var prices = xml.getElementsByTagName("price"); if (prices.length == 1) { var price = prices[0].firstChild.nodeValue; document.getElementById("price").innerHTML = price; }
// update low var lows = xml.getElementsByTagName("low"); if (lows.length == 1) { var low = lows[0].firstChild.nodeValue; document.getElementById("low").innerHTML = low; }
// update high var highs = xml.getElementsByTagName("high"); if (highs.length == 1) { var high = highs[0].firstChild.nodeValue; document.getElementById("high").innerHTML = high; } } else alert("Error with Ajax call!"); } }
if PHP return data as XML type, ajax has a function called responseXML, but it is not very easy to get the data you want. Because XML data structure is quite complex.
<html> <head> <script> // an XMLHttpRequest var xhr = null; /* * void * quote() * * Gets a quote. */ function quote() { // instantiate XMLHttpRequest object try { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
// handle old browsers if (xhr == null) { alert("Ajax not supported by your browser!"); return; }
// get symbol var symbol = document.getElementById("symbol").value;
// construct URL var url = "quote7.php?symbol=" + symbol;
// get quote xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { // only handle loaded requests if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { // evaluate JSON var quote = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")");
// show JSON in textarea document.getElementById("code").value = xhr.responseText;
// insert quote into DOM var div = document.createElement("div"); var text = document.createTextNode(symbol + ": " + quote.price); div.appendChild(text); document.getElementById("quotes").appendChild(div); } else alert("Error with Ajax call!"); } } xhr.open("GET", url, true); xhr.send(null); } </script> <title></title> </head> <body> <form onsubmit="quote(); return false;"> Symbol: <input id="symbol" type="text"> <br><br> <input type="submit" value="Get Quote"> </form> <br><br> <div id="quotes"></div> <br><br> <textarea cols="80" id="code" rows="16"></textarea> </body> </html>
Encode ajax response to json and return to js as an object. json_encode is a PHP function that convert data into json string. ‘eval’ is a js function that convert json data into js object.
Another even cleaner example is to using jQuery. Dollar sign $ is short for ‘jQuery’. $("#form") is equals to jQuery("#form")
jQuery is a library that provides more functionality to your code. $(document) is passing document to the jQuery library so you can use the extra features that jQuery provides.
.ready is to make sure the whole html page is being loaded correctly. Because some of the code in ready function may require html elements.
.ajax function takes one argument, which is in the parentheses, the argument is an object. JS only has two data structures, array and object, which represented by [] and {} respectively.
the object in .ajax function has three keys, url, data and success.
url takes a string, which is the url we will go to.
data takes an object, which is the data we send.
success takes an anonymous function, it is only being called when ajax request is success.(state is ready and response code is 200)
the anonymous function after the .submit event handler return false because we don’t want to submit the form again, we already got the data from the ajax call.
Content Types
Specify the data type of the current file.
HTML (text/html) (default)
XML (text/XML)
JSON (application/json)
json_encode($value): convert data to json on server side to be ready to send
eval(string): convert data from json to object so we can access it on the client side
Same Origin Policy
We are not allowed to display data we get from another domain. We can make ajax call at JS and get response, but we cannot display it. You cannot embed it into your DOM. CORS can override this.
Chapter 8: Security
Obvious Threats
Telnet, FTP, HTTP, MySQL
suPHP, all users can only access to their own files. No one can delete or modify your files.
Session Hijacking(scenarios)
Physical Access
Packet Sniffing: For website not using HTTPS
Session Fixation: Guess the session ID
XSS: Cross site scripting attack
SSL Certificate
Public key Cryptography
There is a public key and a private key. Imagine we want to buy something from a website. Before we sending credit card information to the website. The website will send me the public key(can be see by everyone). And we are going to use the public key to encrypt the information. Only the private key can be used to decrypt the information. And only the website has the private key. Likewise, if the website wants to send me some information. I need to send it the public key too. And use my private key to decrypt it when I receive the information.
SQL injection attacks
mysql_real_escape_string(): put backslash to quote etc…
Same-Origin Policy: You can only get data from the same origin as your HTML DOM. (ajax calls)
CORS can override same origin policy, jsonp
CSRF (Cross-site scripting forgery): If you login to some stock trade website recently and saved your login session. And you visited the bad website in the meantime and being tricked to click the link in their website. The link is actually a request and will send a request to the stock trade website to buy some stock. Note: User click a link could send both GET/POST request. Forms can be hidden and submitted by JS code. So just change the buying request to POST request doesn’t solve this issue.
1.The way to prevent this is whenever you want to send a request, the website will send a random session token back to you. And you have to add this token in the request to be able to make the request work. The CSRF link will never know what the token is.
2.CAPTCHA: enter some words that easy for human to see but not for machine.
3.Whenever you want to checkout, the website will make you log out immediately when you click the checkout button.
You can access to the Cookie from JS
And there is a flawed website which writing values to its body, and you can be tricked to click the link and send your Cookie to other people.
An attacker can use XSS to send a malicious script to an unsuspecting user. The end user’s browser has no way to know that the script should not be trusted, and will execute the script. Because it thinks the script came from a trusted source, the malicious script can access any cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information retained by the browser and used with that site.
$memcache = memchache_connect(HOST, PORT); $user = memcache_get($memcache, $id); // 如果内存里面没有这个用户的id,我们就从数据库中拿取,之后把他添加到内存中 if (is_null($user)) { $bdh = new PDO(DSN, USER, PASS; $result = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $id"); $user = $result->fetch(PDO:FETCH_ASSOC); // this is to get the associated array of data(username, email address,...) memcache_set($memcache, $user['id'], $user) }
如果我们一直将数据添加到内存中,内存总有一天会不够用,这时我们就需要删除一些数据来释放空间,我们可以删除最早的数据(LRU, Least Recent Used)或者最少用到的数据(LFU, Least Frequent Used)