# 1. show details of a table DESCRIBE <tablename>;
# 2. add column to table ALTER TABLE products ADD COLUMN coffee_origin VARCHAR(30);
# 3. delete column from table ALTER TABLE prodcuts DROP COLUMN coffee_origin;
# 4. add primary key to table ALTER TABLE <tablename> ADD PRIMARY KEY (columnname);
# 5. delete primary key from table ALTER TABLE <tablename> DROP PRIMARY KEY;
# 6. make up a constraint name when you add foreign key ALTER TABLE <tablename> ADD CONSTRAINT <constraintname> FOREIGN KEY (<columnname>) REFERENCES <tablename>(<columnname>);
# example ALTER TABLE people ADD CONSTRAINT FK_PeopleAddress FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES addresses(id);
# 7. delete foreign key from table ALTER TABLE <tablename> DROP FOREIGN KEY <constraintname>;
# example ALTER TABLE people DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_PeopleAddress;
# 8. add constraint to table ALTER TABLE <tablename> ADD CONSTRAINT <constraintname> UNIQUE (<columnname>);
# example ALTER TABLE pets ADD CONSTRAINT u_species UNIQUE (species);
# 9. delete constraint from table ALTER TABLE <tablename> DROP INDEX <constraintname>;
# example ALTER TABLE pets DROP INDEX u_species;
# 10. change column name, using back ticks for column names, you can change the data type at the same time too. ALTER TABLE <tablename> CHANGE `old_column_name` `new_column_name` <data type>
# example ALTER TABLE pets CHANGE `species` `animal_type` VARCHAR(20);
# 11. change a column data type ALTER TABLE <tablename> MODIFY <columnname> <date type>
# example ALTER TABLE addresses MODIFY city VARCHAR(30);
Delete Table
DROP TABLE products;
Delete All Data from Table
Data Manipulation Language
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INSERT INTO <tablename> (<column1>, <column2>, <column3>) VALUES ('value1', 'value2', 'value3');
# example INSERT INTO products (name, price, coffee_origin) VALUES ('Espresso', 2.50, 'Brazil');
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UPDATE <tablename> SET <columnname> = 'value' WHERE <columnname> = 'value';
# example UPDATE products SET coffee_origin = 'Sri Lanka' WHERE id = 7;
# set safe update to false so we can use other columns (not just primary key) in WHERE clause to update values SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES=0;
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DELETE FROM people WHERE name = 'John';
# delete all rows in a table, just don't add the WHERE clause DELETE FROM people;
SELECT <columnname> FROM <tablename> WHERE <columnname> = <value> AND <columnname> = <value> OR <columnname> = <value>;
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name IN ('Taylor', 'Bluth', 'Armstrong');
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_time BETWEEN '2017-01-01' AND '2017-01-07';
# select all customers whos last name starts with 'W' SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_name LIKE 'W%';
SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY price ASC;
SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY price DESC;
# list 5 rows start at 6th row SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 5 OFFSET 5;
# name alias SELECT name as coffee, price, coffee_origin as country FROM products;
Select From Multiple Tables
What is a join
Joins allow you to retrieve data from multiple tables in a single select statement
To join two tables there needs to be a related column between them
There are many different kinds of join
Will retrieve data only when there is matching values in both values
Will retrieve all data from the left table and matching rows from the right table
Will retrieve all data from the right table and matching rows from the left table
There is no FULL JOIN in MySQL
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SELECT products.name, orders.order_time FROM orders INNER JOIN products ON orders.product_id = products.id;
# with table alias SELECT p.name, o.order_time FROM orders o JOIN products p ON o.product_id = p.id;
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SELECT o.id, o.order_time, c.phone_number, c.last_name FROM orders o LEFT JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.id ORDER BY o.order_time LIMIT 10;
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# Join multiple tables SELECT p.name, p.price, c.first_name, c.last_name, o.order_time FROM products p JOIN orders o ON p.id = o.product_id JOIN customers c ON c.id = o.customer_id;
Database Design
Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a database
To eliminate redundant data
To only store related data in a table
Reduce storage space
Reduce insert, update and deletion anomalies
Improve query performance
First Normal Form
Tables are in first normal form if
No repeated rows of data
Columns only contain a single value
Table has a primary key
Second Normal Form
Tables are in second normal form if
They conform to first normal form
Every column that is not a primary key of the table is dependent on the whole of the primary key
Third Normal Form
Tables are in third normal form if
They conform to second normal form
Every column that is not a primary key is only dependent on the whole of the primary key (they can’t dependent on other columns than primary key)
Tables are related through primary and foreign keys
One to One
Where a key to one table appears no more than once as the key in another table and vice versa
One to Many
Where a primary key of one table can be in multiple rows of a foreign key column of another table
Many to Many
Where two tables can have many instances of each other
NOT NULL: a column can’t contain any null values
UNIQUE: a column can’t contain any duplicate values of data
PRIMARY KEY: a column that uniquely identifies each row of data
FOREIGN KEY: a column which is related to a primary key in another table
CHECK: controls the values that can be inserted into a column
DEFAULT: if no values is inserted into a column, you can set a default value
Aggregate Functions
Perform a calculations on data within a column and returns one result row
Can use GROUP BY clauses to group the results by one or more columns
Can use a HAVING clause in a similar way to a WHERE clause in a SELECT statement to filter the resutls set.
Can be used in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query
The nested query can be in the WHERE clause or the FROM
Two types of subquery
Non-correlated subquery
The inner query can run independently of the outer query
Inner query runs first and produces a result set, which is then used by the outer query
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SELECT id, start_time FROM screenings WHERE film_id IN ( SELECT id FROM films WHERE length_min > 120 );
Correlated subquery
The inner query can’t run independently of the outer query
The inner query runs for every row in the outer query
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SELECT screening_id, customer_id, ( SELECT COUNT(seat_id) FROM reserved_seat WHERE booking_id = b.id ) FROM bookings b;
SQL Functions
Functions are stored programs which can be passed parameters and return a value
we have already seen some MySQL functions - aggregate functions
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