Extension methods enable you to “add” methods to existing types without creating a new derived type, recompiling, or otherwise modifying the original type. Extension methods are static methods, but they’re called as if they were instance methods on the extended type.
The most common extension methods are the LINQ standard query operators that add query functionality to the existing System.Collections.IEnumerable and System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T> types.
Extension methods are defined as static methods but are called by using instance method syntax. Their first parameter specifies which type the method operates on. The parameter is preceded by the this modifier.
Extension method is just a static method under the hood.
In the example, the result of (from prod in Products select prod) is an IEnumerable<Product> which is why ByColor() can be applied to this
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public static IEnumerable<Product> ByColor( this IEnumerable<Product> query, string color) { return query.Where(prod => prod.Color == color); }
Extract Distinct Values, Assign Values and Partition Collections
Set Operations
Iterate over entire collection
Set a property value in collection (similar to a SQL UPDATE)
In this example, the object has a NameLength property and we need to assign the value prop.Name.Length to this prop.NameLength property.
For the Query approach, we need to declare a tmp variable because it has to be a statement, not an assignment. But the Method approach doesn’t have this issue.
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public void ForEach() { if (UseQuerySyntax) { // Query Syntax Products = (from prod in Products let tmp = prod.NameLength = prod.Name.Length select prod).ToList();
Identify What Kind of Data is Contained in Collections
All() will return a true or false value to see if all items meet the requirement.
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if (UseQuerySyntax) { // Query Syntax value = (from prod in Products select prod).All(prod => prod.Name.Contains(search)); } else { // Method Syntax value = Products.All(prod => prod.Name.Contains(search)); }
Any() will return true if any of the item meet the requirement. And will return false will all items doesn’t meet the requirement.
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if (UseQuerySyntax) { // Query Syntax value = (from prod in Products select prod).Any(prod => prod.Name.Contains(search)); } else { // Method Syntax value = Products.Any(prod => prod.Name.Contains(search)); }
Contains can be used in primitive types and objects
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bool value = true; List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
if (UseQuerySyntax) { // Query Syntax value = (from num in numbers select num).Contains(3); } else { // Method Syntax value = numbers.Contains(3); }
When using Contains() on a collection of objects. We need to use EqualityComparer, because by default objects are compared by reference not value.
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public class ProductIdComparer : EqualityComparer<Product> { public override bool Equals(Product x, Product y) { return (x.ProductID == y.ProductID); } }
public override int GetHashCode(Product obj) { return obj.ProductID.GetHashCode(); }
Now when calling Contains() method, we pass in the Comparer object, so it will loop through all products and compare each one with our prodToFind Product. The Comparer will use prodToFind as the first parameter and each Product as the second parameter.
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int search = 744; bool value = true; ProductIdComparer pc = new ProductIdComparer(); Product prodToFind = new Product { ProductID = search };
if (UseQuerySyntax) { // Query Syntax value = (from prod in Products select prod).Contains(prodToFind, pc); } else { // Method Syntax value = Products.Contains(prodToFind, pc); }
Compare and Union Two Collections
Compares two collections for equlity.
For Simple data types (int, decimal, boolean…) it checks values
For object data types checks reference
If you want to compare values in objects, you need to create a comparer class to check the values inside each properties.
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// Use SequenceEqual on primitives bool value = true; // Create a list of numbers List<int> list1 = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; // Create a list of numbers List<int> list2 = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
if (UseQuerySyntax) { // Query Syntax value = (from num in list1 select num).SequenceEqual(list2); } else { // Method Syntax value = list1.SequenceEqual(list2); }
If we want to compare each object in a collection by value, we need to create a new Comparer override the Compare method.
bool value = true; ProductComparer pc = new ProductComparer(); // Load all Product Data List<Product> list1 = ProductRepository.GetAll(); // Load all Product Data List<Product> list2 = ProductRepository.GetAll();
// Remove an element from 'list1' to make the collections different list1.RemoveAt(0);
if (UseQuerySyntax) { // Query Syntax value = (from num in list1 select num).SequenceEqual(list2, pc); } else { // Method Syntax value = list1.SequenceEqual(list2, pc); }
It finds all values in one list, but not the other, returns a collection of items.
Similar to Contains and SequenceEqual, if we are comparing primitive types, we can just use it, but if we are comparing objects values, we need to create a Comparer class and override the Compare method.
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List<int> exceptions = new List<int>(); // Create a list of numbers List<int> list1 = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; // Create a list of numbers List<int> list2 = new List<int> { 3, 4, 5 };
if (UseQuerySyntax) { // Query Syntax exceptions = (from num in list1 select num).Except(list2).ToList(); } else { // Method Syntax exceptions = list1.Except(list2).ToList(); }
ProductComparer pc = new ProductComparer(); // Load all Product Data List<Product> list1 = ProductRepository.GetAll(); // Load all Product Data List<Product> list2 = ProductRepository.GetAll();
// Remove all products with color = "Black" from 'list2' // to give us a difference in the two lists list2.RemoveAll(prod => prod.Color == "Black");
Similar to Contains, SequenceEqual and Except, it compares values for primitive types and references for objects. We need to create comparer class to check values in properties.
ProductComparer pc = new ProductComparer(); // Load all Product Data List<Product> list1 = ProductRepository.GetAll(); // Load all Product Data List<Product> list2 = ProductRepository.GetAll();
if (UseQuerySyntax) { // Query Syntax Products = (from num in list1 select num).Intersect(list2, pc).ToList(); } else { // Method Syntax Products = list1.Intersect(list2, pc).ToList(); }
It adds the contents of two lists together.
Union() checks for duplicates
Concat() does not check for duplicates
Use comparer class with objects
Union() need Comparer to eliminate duplicates
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ProductComparer pc = new ProductComparer(); // Load all Product Data List<Product> list1 = ProductRepository.GetAll(); // Load all Product Data List<Product> list2 = ProductRepository.GetAll();
if (UseQuerySyntax) { // Query Syntax Products = (from num in list1 select num).Union(list2, pc).OrderBy(prod => prod.Name).ToList(); } else { // Method Syntax Products = list1.Union(list2, pc).OrderBy(prod => prod.Name).ToList(); }
Adds the contents of two collections with duplicates
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// Load all Product Data List<Product> list1 = ProductRepository.GetAll(); // Load all Product Data List<Product> list2 = ProductRepository.GetAll();
if (UseQuerySyntax) { // Query Syntax Products = (from num in list1 select num).Concat(list2).OrderBy(prod => prod.Name).ToList(); } else { // Method Syntax Products = list1.Concat(list2).OrderBy(prod => prod.Name).ToList(); }
Joining Two Collections Together
Inner Join
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var query = Products.Join(Sales, prod => prod.ProductID, sale => sale.ProductID, (prod, sale) => new { prod.ProductID, prod.Name, prod.Color, prod.StandardCost, prod.ListPrice, prod.Size, sale.SalesOrderID, sale.OrderQty, sale.UnitPrice, sale.LineTotal, });
Inner Join with two fields
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short qty = 6;
var query = Products.Join( Sales, prod => new { prod.ProductID, Qty = qty }, sale => new { sale.ProductID, Qty = sale.OrderQty }, (prod, sale) => new { prod.ProductID, prod.Name, prod.Color, prod.StandardCost, prod.ListPrice, prod.Size, sale.SalesOrderID, sale.OrderQty, sale.UnitPrice, sale.LineTotal });
Aggregating Data in Collections
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value = Products.Count(prod => prod.Color == "Yellow");
// Another way using Where value = Products.Where(prod => prod.Color == "Yellow").Count();
Min() and Max()
value = Products.Min(prod => prod.ListPrice);
value = Products.Max(prod => prod.ListPrice);
Average() and Sum()
value = Products.Average(prod => prod.ListPrice);
value = Products.Sum(prod => prod.ListPrice);
Custom Calculation using Aggregate()
The first parameter initialize an internal variable, which setup the start value.
The second parameter is an anonymous function which you pass the initial value and loop through each item in the collection
Aggregate Sum
value = Products.Aggregate(0m, (sum, prod) => sum += prod.ListPrice);
Aggregate Multiply
value = Products.Aggregate(0m, (sum, prod => sum += prod.ListPrice * prod.Qty));
Aggregate with GroupBy and Having
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var stats = Products.GroupBy(sale => sale.Size) .Where(sizeGroup => sizeGroup.Count() > 0) .Select(sizeGroup => new { Size = sizeGroup.Key, TotalProducts = sizeGroup.Count(), Max = sizeGroup.Max(s => s.ListPrice), Min = sizeGroup.Min(s => s.ListPrice), Average = sizeGroup.Average(s => s.ListPrice) }) .OrderBy(result => result.Size) .Select(result => result);
Deferred Execution
A LINQ query is a data structure ready to execute
Query is not executed until a value is needed
The execution happens with one of the folloing functions (foreach(), Count(), ToList(), OrderBy()…)
Streaming Operators
Results can be returned prior to the entire collection is read
When write our own Filter function, we could use yield to make the function to be Streaming. So it returns data while looping through the collection.
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public static IEnumrable<T> Filter<T> (this IEnumrable<T> source, Func<T, bool> predicate) { foreach(var item in source) { if (predicate(item)) { yield return item; } } }
In the below example, Where and Take are both Streaming Operators, so this query will loop through the collection until the requirement is met. That is when it found the first item that has Color red. It doesn’t need to go through the entire collection.
However, in this example, because OrderBy() is an non-streaming operator, so it will loop through the entire list first, order them by prod.Name, then apply the Where condition. Non-streaming operator will go before the Streaming operator.